How to Draw a Dirt Bike Helmet: Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a fan of motocross or dirt bike racing, you might want to know how to draw a dirt bike helmet. A dirt bike helmet is an essential piece of equipment for every dirt bike rider. It protects the rider’s head from injuries in case of an accident. Drawing a dirt bike helmet can be challenging, but with the right techniques, anyone can create a stunning helmet drawing. In this article, we will give you a step-by-step guide on how to draw a dirt bike helmet.

Materials You Will Need

Before we start, let’s talk about the materials you will need to draw a dirt bike helmet. You will need:

  • A pencil
  • An eraser
  • A drawing paper
  • A ruler
  • A black pen or marker
  • Colored pencils or markers (optional)

Step 1: Sketch the Basic Shape

The first step in drawing a dirt bike helmet is to sketch the basic shape. Use your pencil and ruler to draw a horizontal line in the middle of the paper. This line will serve as a guide to help you draw the helmet evenly. Draw a circle above the horizontal line. This circle will be the top of the helmet. Draw two lines on the sides of the circle, and connect them with a curved line. This shape will be the base of the helmet.

Step 2: Add the Visor

The next step is to add the visor to the helmet. Draw a small rectangle in the middle of the base of the helmet. This rectangle will be the visor. Draw two lines on the sides of the visor, and connect them with a curved line. This shape will be the opening for the eyes. Draw two more curved lines on the sides of the visor to create the shape of the helmet’s front.

Step 3: Add the Details

Now it’s time to add the details to the helmet. Use your pencil to sketch the details lightly, and then use a black pen or marker to trace over them. Draw a line around the base of the helmet to create the edge. Draw a line on the top of the helmet to create the separation between the top and the sides. Add some vents on the sides of the helmet. Draw the strap that goes under the chin.

Step 4: Shade the Drawing

The final step is to shade the drawing. Use your colored pencils or markers to add some shading to the helmet. Shade the areas that are in shadow, such as the underside of the visor and the sides of the helmet. Leave the areas that are in light unshaded. This will give the helmet a three-dimensional look.


Drawing a dirt bike helmet can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques, anyone can do it. Start by sketching the basic shape of the helmet, add the visor, and then add the details. Finally, shade the drawing to give the helmet a three-dimensional look. Remember to use your creativity and have fun!


  1. Can I draw a dirt bike helmet without a ruler? Yes, you can draw a dirt bike helmet without a ruler, but using a ruler will help you draw the helmet more evenly.
  2. Do I need to use colored pencils or markers? No, you don’t need to use colored pencils or markers. You can draw the helmet with a pencil and a black pen or marker.
  3. Can I add my own personal touches to the helmet drawing? Absolutely! Drawing is all about being creative, so feel free to add your own personal touches to the helmet drawing.

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